We´ve done this many times to the full satisfaction of our clients!
As we really know the strengths of our manufacturing partners, we can help save a lot of time, trouble, empty miles and unnecessary communication upfront in a preselection of an ideal partner for our clients.
How does it work?
- You have a compound which you are producing and scratching on the economical limit?
- You are on the edge of your production capacities?
- Or you are handling both situations at the same time?
In all cases our clients can count on our experience of already successful transferred productions.
We have the best fitting partners and the experience to handle each project at priority!
We take over the product and find a producer who will take over your production under your procedures and supervision.
You will have more capacities in your production plant for more valuable products and create a better economical situation.
Big point: In ideal case your future manufacturing partners are in your geographical area! We are dealing mainly with CEE European manufacturers!
From small scale up to MT production!
- covering most of the chemical reactions, with high sophisticated equipment and fair production costs to deliver high quality!
performing required regulatory standards (e.g. EP, USP, BP,...)
sized between 3 and 3000 employees
running fine chemical, cGMP and FDA approved facilities
using fantastic state of the art R&D possibilities with high qualified staff
investing in their facilities to expand production capacity
highly motivated and fast acting
located in CEE and US
Oxidation and Reduction including Complex Hydride
Diazotisation and Sandmeyer Reaction
Esterification and Saponification
Nitration and Sulfonation
Bromination, Chlorination and Iodination
Alkylation and Acylation
Organo Lithium and Grignard Chemistry
Distillation and controlled crystallization
Phosgenation/ handling of phosgene
aromatic isocyanates
use of Carboimides
Salt formation
Optical resolution
Cryogenic and organometallic reactions
High temperature reactions
Acid chloride preparations
carbene additions
Friedel Crafts reactions
Continuos flow reactions
Green chemistry - Enzymatic chemical reactions
and many more!